On the Other Side of the Cross

I have been thinking a lot about what it means to follow Jesus. To follow Jesus is to follow in His footsteps of forgiveness. It’s to follow Him on pathways of grace, mercy, compassion, truth, obedience, sacrifice, and love. And I want to follow Him.

But I know that choosing the ways of Jesus won’t always be easy or pain-free. Just ask Jesus who endured the cross to pay for OUR sins, sins He did not commit. Just ask Jesus who said, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). Crosses are excruciatingly painful. And sometimes, choosing love, choosing obedience, choosing forgiveness, choosing honor, choosing hope, choosing trust … sometimes choosing these things is going to feel unbelievably painful, too.

But here’s what I also know from the life of Jesus. There’s life and beauty on the other side of the cross. There was for Him in the resurrection of His body and the conquering of sin and death. And there is life and beauty for us as we choose His ways. Not perfection. We’ll know no perfection other than the perfection of His love for us this side of eternity. And there is no promise of the results we think will come or that we think would be best. But there is goodness to be had when we choose to follow in His ways.

Our flesh is going to say choose anger. Choose bitterness. Choose retaliation. Choose hatred. And it will look like the right way when we are hurt. Our hearts are going to say choose self. Choose comfort. Choose ease. But Proverbs 14:12 reminds us, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.”

The ways of Jesus can look like death. They can FEEL like death as we take up our crosses, deny ourselves, and follow in His footsteps. But they lead to life. Life joyful, abundant, and fruitful. Life healed and free.

What hard obedience is Jesus calling you to right now? What if you and I trusted that we don’t want to miss out on the goodness on the other side of this sacrifice of obedience? On the life and beauty He can bring inside of us because we trusted Him?

Jesus would never ask anything of us that wasn’t His best for us. May we live out His Word with the help of His Spirit. May we trust that there is life and beauty on the other side of the cross. May we follow Him, wherever He may lead.

Praying for you as you fix your eyes and heart on Him,

6 thoughts on “On the Other Side of the Cross

  1. Kimberly! I read your poem, “Praying You Through,” today, and literally WEPT as I read it, word for word. I’m going through a very difficult time in dealing with a sensitized nervous system. I’m continually in a state of flight or fight because my CNS got over stimulated due to a personal challenge some years ago (when we all were isolated due to Covid in 2020). I’m trying to find my way through without medicine because medicine only made it much WORSE for me. But it’s very difficult. The Lord says for us to allow Him to be our strength. Your writing bears the witness of knowing real pain and loss and then triumph in TRUSTING the Savior! I’m so thankful I can THANK YOU here for your poem “Praying You Through,” and furthermore, for these devotionals that I have now found, having looked up your name. You are a gifted writer, and and your reflections indicate your utter dependency on God. You are a great inspiration. Thank you, Kimberly!
    Marianne Ackerson

    • Marianne, what a blessing to have you come by to let me know what those words meant to you. I am so incredibly thankful the Lord used them to speak to your heart! He is so gracious to know just what we need to hear and when. Praying for you as you lean into Him and trust Him in the midst of this struggle. ❤️Love and prayers, Kimberly

  2. Wishing you a Blessed Easter, Kimberly! I have found more information on your website about your reflection that went viral, and noticed that there wasn’t a title accompanying the piece. When it was sent to me, it was with the title “Praying You Through.” I’m sorry if that was a title given that you did not create. Could you perhaps give your piece a title so that others can find it immediately online? The people with whom I have shared it have been deeply moved. Just as one can tell the difference between music that is manufactured and music that is anointed, one can immediately recognize that what you wrote for your dear friend was given by the Holy Spirit. And now it is blessing thousands! Praise be to God! Thank you again! Marianne

    • Hey, Marianne! I hope you have had a blessed Easter, as well!! It was originally a post I wrote for Facebook when a family member was going through a difficult season. So, it did not have an official title. When I pulled it over to my blog to give it a more permanent home, I titled it “I Would Have Pulled Joseph Out” because that is what most people seemed to search for it with. The “Praying You Through” wording is from where I made it available for people to print and gift to others. I thought that sounded a little better for gifting and blessing❤️

      • Dear Kimberly!
        Thank you so much for your response! I’m glad I hadn’t used an incorrect title. Personally, I think “I would have pulled Joseph out” is more gripping. Your entire poem is gripping. That first line grabs the reader. Everyone who has read it has been very moved by it among my friends. I will keep checking your website for new updates and devotionals. You’re feeding His sheep! God bless you! ♥️
        Sent from my iPad

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